Quick Add for Todoist Alexa Skill

Quick Add for Todoist Alexa Skill

Effortlessly add tasks to your Todoist Inbox using just your voice with Alexa!

Quick Add for Todoist

$1.99 in the US Alexa Skill Store: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D7948ZX5

More locales and languages coming soon.

How to use Quick Add for Todoist

1) Invocations - All invocations of Quick Add need to start with "Alexa, [tell/ask] Quick Add to..." You may say:

  • "Alexa, tell Quick Add to add [task]" - Adds [task] with a default due date of "today" to your Todoist Inbox.
  • "Alexa, tell Quick Add to add [task] no date" - Adds [task] with no due date to your Todoist Inbox.
  • "Alexa, tell Quick Add to add [task] [day of the week - OR - month/date]" - Quick Add supports Todoist's natural language dates. This invocation overrides the default "today" due date when adding a [task] to your Todoist Inbox or Project.
  • "Alexa, tell Quick Add to add [task] [on my/to my] [Todoist project name]" - Adds [task] with NO default due date to your custom Todoist Project. You MAY add a manual due date to your intent after [task]. NOTE: The project name MUST contain no spaces (see below).
  • In addition to the "to add [task]" intent, you may also say:
    • "to log [task]"
    • "to put [task]" - (works well with custom projects - "tell Quick Add to put apples on my Grocery List")
    • "to task [task]"
    • "to create a task [task]"
    • For UK users only: Due to how Alexa's natural language understanding (NLU) system interprets the word "add" in the UK locale (as in "Alexa, tell quick add to add..."), the "to add" intent (and skill) is considered "in beta" in the UK at this time. Invoking "add" in the UK COULD, unfortunately, either not work or add items to your Alexa Shopping List. This is currently outside of my control and is the reason why I added more intents. If a UK user wants to try to use "add," speaking slower and clearer helps, but my UK tester has discovered it could be hit or miss. Please follow along with my Alexa Developer Support ticket at https://github.com/cakebarIO/QuickAdd-for-Todoist/issues/14 for all updates.
  • Any of these endpoint commands may be combined or added to in your invocation requests.

2) Labels - All tasks added to Todoist using the Quick Add skill will have the @Alexa label attached to it. This mimics the same workflow from the old official integration.

3) Due Dates - Due dates may always be manually added to a task (see invocation examples above). For default due dates on tasks:

  • Without a custom project - All tasks added to Todoist WITHOUT a custom project using the Quick Add skill will be added to your Todoist Inbox and have a default "today" due date, unless otherwise added.
  • With a custom project - Tasks added with a custom project in the intent will default to NO due date, with the option to manually add one after [task].

4) Custom Projects - All tasks added to Todoist using the Quick Add skill will default to adding the [task] to a user's Todoist Inbox unless a specific project is mentioned (see invocation example above). NOTE: Any custom [project] name you use MUST contain NO spaces for Quick Add to add a [task] to that custom [project]. Example: If you have an existing project in Todoist named "Grocery List," you must edit that project's name in Todoist to remove the space to "GroceryList"...and then invoke the custom project by saying "Alexa, tell Quick Add to put apples on my Grocery List," for instance.

New features are added often. If you have a feature request or bug to report, kindly visit the GitHub board linked below.

Feature Requests or Bugs


FAQs & Help

Do I have to say, "Alexa, [ask/tell] Quick Add...?" Why can't I just say, "Alexa, add [task] to my to do list?"

  • Unfortunately Quick Add needs to follow Amazon’s rules as to what a third party skill invocation can be…this includes “Alexa, [ask/tell] Quick Add…” It was designed to be as short and as easy to invoke as it possibly could. I know it doesn’t flow as well as the old integration, but it’s the best we can do right now with what I have to work with. If anything changes in the future with regards to what Amazon allows I’ll definitely make the change!

I'm having trouble linking Todoist with Quick Add

  • Android has a feature that opens app links in the native app. However, account linking NEEDS to happen in the browser and not in the native Todoist app. The easiest way to do this is by temporarily turning off the "Open By Default" setting found at Settings/Apps/Todoist/Open By Default. Otherwise, you may complete the linking process directly from a web browser instead or copy the URL from the app and paste it into your browser's address bar.

Quick Add is not understanding my request

  • If you have already reviewed the proper ways to invoke and use Quick Add above, users have found better success in speaking slower and clearer when invoking Quick Add. Because, 1, this is a new way to invoke a task addition (from the old official integration), and 2, Quick Add is a third-party skill rather than an official, native skill (again, like the old, official integration), Alexa (sadly) favors its own workflows and skills over those of third parties. You need to clearly tell Alexa what you want to invoke Quick Add. If you are wondering if it is a clarity issue, try typing your command in the Alexa app with a space between "quick add." If it works there, you just need to speak clearer and/or slower when invoking through voice.

Items are not getting added to my custom project

  • First, make sure you have [that project] in Todoist. If you do, make sure it's name is also one word OR contains no spaces between multiple words. Finally, make sure your intent has the custom project name at the very end and is linked to the rest of the intent with "on my" or "to my." Example: "Alexa, ask Quick Add to put apples on my Grocery List."

Occasionally, Quick Add responds, "There was a problem with the selected skill's response."

  • Infrequently, a user will ask Quick Add to add a task or item and Quick Add responds, "There was a problem with the selected skill's response." While this is a known bug (likely caused by an unexpected or uncaught response from the Todoist API), the item or task is, in fact, added to your Todoist Inbox. The response is just not as clean as it can be. I am currently working on a fix for this. If you hear this response, equate it to a successful add.

I thought this skill was free? Why do I have to pay? How do I purchase it?

  • Yes...this skill is a paid skill. I wish I could offer it for free, but, sadly cannot. My goal is not to MAKE money on this skill...I just don't want to LOSE money with hosting fees. If you would like to purchase the skill, Amazon’s workflow for in-skill-purchases is, in my opinion, very confusing. Aside from their misleading "Free to Enable" button, they do not make in-skill-purchase documentation for users OR developers. You’ll need to have voice purchases enabled on your Echo device. Once you do, invoke the skill with “Alexa, open Quick Add,” and that should prompt the purchase. There is currently no "free trial," per-se. However, you may use it risk-free for three days after purchase. If you are unhappy with the skill, you may "return" it by saying, "Alexa, open Quick Add," followed by "refund this skill."

I'm having trouble purchasing the skill.

  • Skill purchases NEED to happen by invoking the skill using your voice by saying "Alexa, open Quick Add" on any Echo device. Voice purchases need to be enabled on the device you are using. The skill will guide you from there.

Privacy Policy for Quick Add for Todoist

Effective Date: June 17, 2024

Welcome to Quick Add for Todoist, the Alexa skill that enhances your productivity by allowing you to add tasks to your Todoist account using voice commands. This privacy policy details our commitment to protecting your privacy and informs you about the data practices for this skill.

1. Information Collection - This skill facilitates the addition of tasks to your Todoist account via voice commands. No personal information is collected, stored, or processed by us. Account linking is required to use this functionality, which authenticates directly with Todoist without passing personal information through our servers.

2. Use of Information - The information processed by this skill is solely for executing the task addition functionality. We do not log or store the content of the tasks you add, nor do we store any details of your interactions.

3. Data Sharing - We do not share, sell, or transfer any information to third parties. All interactions are managed through Amazon's Alexa services and Todoist's API, without any additional access from our side.

4. Data Security - We adhere to industry-standard security measures to ensure the safety of the data transmissions between Amazon Alexa, Todoist, and you. However, we do not store any user data ourselves.

5. User Rights - You maintain full control over your data. You can manage or delete your tasks directly in your Todoist account and review your Alexa history through your Amazon account to manage your privacy preferences. For users in the European Union, please note that this skill does not collect, store, or process any of your personal data directly. Accordingly, it complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by not handling personal data beyond what is necessary for the functionality provided.

6. Changes to This Privacy Policy - We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page and, if significant, will be highlighted before they become effective.

7. Contact Us - If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact me at hello@erikrichter.com.